Under the Stars

Join us in our unique location in the hills above France’s first organic village, where we produce an extra virgin olive oil in a naturally pure and beautiful environment far from the madding crowd.

It was on a clear, starlit July night in 2020 a comet passed high above our olive groves inspiring the name of our brand: Sous Les Etoiles.

Olive trees have thrived in these parts since Roman times, surviving all that nature has thrown at them.


“An olive plantation is a library where you go either to forget life, or get to know it better. “ Jean Giono, French novelist born in the 19th Century.

King of Oils

The delight of Mediterranean cuisine for centuries. Discover our own single-estate extra virgin olive oil.

Fine olive oils like ours enliven and invigorate Provencal and Mediterranean cuisines. It‘s a vital part of any summer salad dressing or can be drizzled onto a fresh slice of baguette…

Like all fine olive oils it enlivens and invigorates provencal cuisine. It ‘s a vital part of any summer salad dressing or can be drizzled onto a fresh slice of baguette.

“Medium fruity and harmonious, a taste of fresh almonds, a superior quality, 100 per cent extra virgin olive oil with no faults.” The Verdict.

50 Shades of Green

Watch and read the blogs detailing our new life, a war correspondent and a documentary maker turning into organic olive farmers.